Meet the Soldiers of the Mexican War !!!
(1st Lieutenant) Thomas Whitfield Collier (1823-1873) of Company I, First Tennessee Infantry
Welcome! The purpose of this website is three-fold:
1. To honor the lives, sacrifices, and patriotism of soldiers of the United States who served in the Mexican War.
2. To aid researchers, historians, and family members who seek knowledge of individual soldiers and soldier-life in general during the Mexican War period.
3. To create a repository of rare photographs of soldiers from the Mexican War period and to aid in uniform identification, including soldiers of militia units of various States.
Submit Your Photographs and Histories of Soldiers!
Because photography was in its infancy during the Mexican War period (1840s), photographs of Mexican War soldiers are rather scarce; however, there are, hopefully, more in existence that just need to be brought to our attention. Since there is mass interest in the War Between the States (1861-1865) and further development in photography by the 1860s, much more information exists for this period. The Mexican War era however, is a much neglected period of time by comparison. This is where you come in. Do you have a photograph of a soldier who served in the Mexican War? If so, please contact the webmaster at the email address below. Hopefully, this website can become a valuable place for those interested in the Mexican War to contribute and collaborate on this subject which greatly deserves more attention.
Photographs of Militia Uniforms
Also of great interest to those researching the Mexican War soldier is photographs and information relating to individual State Militia units. These include soldiers who enlisted in the militia of their own State, usually during peacetime. These men were then prepared for service if and when a war began. When the Mexican War started, these militia units served the bulk of soldiers sent to Mexico with many other men joining the ranks thereafter. So, if you have any information or photographs of ANY soldier from the 1840s or 1850s, please submit them to the webmaster as these men and uniforms also represent those who served in the Mexican War.
Your Ancestor Can Be Included Too!
By submitting a photograph and information of your Mexican War soldier ancestor, you will create a place for him to be honored and remembered along with other men of valor. You will also enable other researchers to discover the unique qualities of his experience. Historians and living-history re-enactors will also be pleased to observe the design and make of each individual soldier's uniform. Please consider contributing a copy of your treasured photograph, because truly, photographs of Mexican War soldiers are one in a million. It would be a shame for future generations to miss the opportunity to view your unique representative of history!
Submit Your Photographs and Information
Contact and/or Submit Your Photos and/or Info
Don't let your Mexican War Soldier photographs become "gone with the wind"!!! If we don't save them now for future generations, some may be lost forever. Rare, historic photographs are disappearing daily. If you have any submissions, questions, comments or suggestions, please contact the webmaster at